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Worldwide Marriage Encounter Named About.com 2012 Best Marriage Workshop

The internationally known website About.com, which annually conducts its Readers Choice Awards, has named Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) the 2012 winner of the Best Marriage Workshop category.
Discover Worldwide Marriage Encounter

“Love one another as I have loved you”
John 15:12

The Mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to Proclaim the Value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the World.

Faith Through Relationship

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a charism is a specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefits the Church, given in order to help a person live out the Christian life or to serve the common good in building up the Church. (799 and 951)

Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers married couples, priests and religious an experience of deepening relationships in a Catholic tradition. Our name defines who we are (worldwide) and what we do (encounter another). “Worldwide” means open to all, but it also reflects our unity.

Throughout the world, wherever Worldwide Marriage Encounter is present, there is conformity to the same concepts and values. “Marriage” refers to the spousal relationship between a married man and woman. In the wider sense, it also refers to the spousal relationship of priests and religious with the people of God. “Encounter” means “to meet” and it reflects the exposure of married couples and priests to the full meaning of their sacrament as they meet each other and Christ within their sacramental relationships.