After Your weekend, there are several Worldwide Marriage Encounter community social events available to you and your family throughout the year. Belonging to a WWME community is like having an extended family; people who genuinely care about you and are there to share your good times and walk with you during your troubled times. We invite you to join us and get connected! If you have any questions about community, please contact Bryan and Karen Berland, at or call them at (405) 850-4274.
Several members of the Oklahoma Area Community made a Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus, in Prague, Oklahoma, in August, 2013. Another Pilgrimage is being planned for early 2014, possibly in February. If you are interested, please get in touch with Bryan or Karen Berland using the contact information above.
Every year, in October, the Oklahoma Area sponsors a Sock Hop at Epiphany of Our Lord Church in Oklahoma City. Check the calendar for the date and time.