After attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, all are welcome and encouraged to join a circle/share group. Belonging to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Community through circles/share groups is like having an extended family; people who genuinely care about you and are there to share your good times and walk with you during your troubled times. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Circle/Share Group is a group of couples that have experienced a Marriage Encounter Weekend. They meet regularly, a presentation is given followed by dialogue time and sharing. The sharing is optional; no one is required to share. The meeting usually include prayer, socializing and delicious pot luck food. Feel free to contact a circle/share group leader in your area to get involved in their circle. |
Two share circles/groups are currently active in the Oklahoma City area. You are welcome to join any group that meets your needs and schedule. |
One group meets on the second Saturday of each month, in a private home; the location varies. Please contact Briyan and Karen Berland at if you would like to attend or have questions. Babysitting services are not provided. |
Another group meets on the third Friday of each month, at St. Monica's Church, 2001 North Western, Edmond, Oklahoma, at 7 PM. Members commonly gather at 6:30 PM for snacks and social time. Click here for a map. John and Tena Franklin are the Group Leaders; their phone number is 405-209-3515, and their E-mail address is . |
In Amarillo (panhandle Texas, a satellite of the Oklahoma Area), a Circle/Share Group will be meeting on the second Saturday of each month at Saint Mary's Cathedral, 1200 S Washington St, Amarillo, TX 79102, from 2 PM to 4 PM. For more information, please call Harry and Arlene Haiduk at 806-674-7110 or send mail to . Click here for a map. |
In addition to the regular meeting, some circles/share groups plan family activities such as summer cookouts, Christmas Caroling, 4th of July Parties, ice skating, birthday celebrations, sock hops, tailgate parties, and baby showers. Some gather on a separate night with their families to pray the Rosary, or for other regular devotions.