Upcoming Events
Community - Share Groups
Circles/Share Group Meetings

After attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, all are welcome and encouraged to join a circle/share group.

Belonging to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Community through circles/share groups is like having an extended family; people who genuinely care about you and are there to share your good times and walk with you during your troubled times.

A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Circle/Share Group is a group of couples that have experienced a Marriage Encounter Weekend. They meet regularly, a presentation is given followed by dialogue time and sharing.  The sharing is optional; no one is required to share.  The meeting usually include prayer, socializing and delicious pot luck food.  Feel free to contact a circle/share group leader in your area to get involved in their circle.

Two share circles/groups are currently active in the Oklahoma City area.  You are welcome to join any group that meets your needs and schedule.
One group meets on the second Saturday of each month, in a private home; the location varies. Please contact Briyan and Karen Berland at bkberland@gmail.com if you would like to attend or have questions. Babysitting services are not provided.
Another group meets on the third Friday of each month, at St. Monica's Church, 2001 North Western, Edmond, Oklahoma, at 7 PM. Members commonly gather at 6:30 PM for snacks and social time. Click here for a map. John and Tena Franklin are the Group Leaders; their phone number is 405-209-3515, and their E-mail address is john.tena.franklin@gmail.com .
In Amarillo (panhandle Texas, a satellite of the Oklahoma Area), a Circle/Share Group will be meeting on the second Saturday of each month at Saint Mary's Cathedral, 1200 S Washington St, Amarillo, TX 79102, from 2 PM to 4 PM. For more information, please call Harry and Arlene Haiduk at 806-674-7110 or send mail to WWMEAmarillo@gmail.com . Click here for a map.

Circle Activites

In addition to the regular meeting, some circles/share groups plan family activities such as summer cookouts, Christmas Caroling, 4th of July Parties, ice skating, birthday celebrations, sock hops, tailgate parties, and baby showers. Some gather on a separate night with their families to pray the Rosary, or for other regular devotions.